Ľubomíra KUBÍKOVÁ – Stanislav RUDÝ



Abstract. Plastics cause one of the most severe problems tourism operators must face. They are relatively cheap, versatile and have a long-lasting material whose durability exceeds the life of the products made from it. As a result, the production of plastic waste is increasing worldwide. The durability of plastics also means that their uncontrolled disposal is problematic because they can last a very long time in the environment. Plastics pose a threat not only to a healthy environment but also to society. This post will focus on the current state of plastics and plastic waste for the monitored period in selected countries. Our findings point out the distribution of plastic production. We investigated the biggest polluters of global mismanaged plastic waste, polluters of global mismanaged plastic waste by continent, the annual global production of plastics, the rate of decomposition of plastic items, and forecast the expected development of plastics production.

Keywords: Plastics, Pollution, Circular Economy, Biodiversity

JEL classification: O10, C53, L65

Fulltext: PDF

Online publication date: 25 January 2024

ISBN: 978-80-225-5127-4

Publisher: University of Economics in Bratislava

Pages: 128-137


To cite this proceedings paper (STN ISO 690 and 690-2): 

KUBÍKOVÁ, Ľ., RUDÝ S. 2024. The Current Global Situation of Plastics and Forecast of Plastic Waste. In PETROVSKÁ, F. (ed.). EDAMBA 2023: Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: University of Economics in Bratislava, 2024. ISBN 978-80-225-5127-4, pp. 128-137
