The working language of the conference is English and all participants are kindly requested to deliver their papers in English.


Format requirements

All submitted papers shall respect the conference paper template and recommended length of 10 pages including an abstract, keywords, JEL classification (1-3 codes) and references

See template and citation method:

Template for the paper

Bibliographic references and citations – Standard ISO 690

Paper that do not adhere with the required formatting will be returned for revision.


Content requirements

Paper has to clearly identify research objectives, methods, results and contributions of research.

We do not accept articles without scientific added value.

The author is responsible for the formal and scientific accuracy of the paper.

All submitted articles will be subject to CrossRef Similarity Check using software iThenticate

  • Editorial deadline: May 15
  • Notification of acceptance for conference presentation: July 1
  • Editorial contact:
  • Based on the signed license agreement, all accepted papers will be published online in the Conference Proceedings (with ISBN number) and indexed in CrossRef
  • Some papers – instead of being published in the Conference proceedings, will be invited for open access publication in an university scientific journal – Economic Review (ISSN 0323-262X) indexed in EBSCO Host databases and listed in the ERIH PLUS
  • The Conference Proceedings is sent for inclusion in Citation Index of the Conference Proceedings by the Web of Science database