

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the global competitiveness regarding the environmental economics model, considering all three levels: economic, social, and environmental. We measure the socio-economic dimension using HDI (Human Development Index) according to the health and education areas, then we measure the environmental dimension using EPI (Environmental Performance Index), which monitors the behaviour of countries in the field of human health protection and ecosystem protection. This paper focuses on the possibility to group countries by the cluster method in terms of assessing the sustainable competitiveness of European countries. The question is whether there is an appropriate classification for the development of these countries that could help to reduce the differences between the average countries and the EU 27 average. The approach to this topic began with the question whether these countries, which have high values of economic growth, have a high level of EPI or HDI. The intention is to look for the possible existence of a gradual rapprochement of countries belonging to the same group.

Keywords: cluster analysis, HDI index, EPI index

JEL classification: C38, P28, Q56

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Online publication date: 12 May 2022


To cite this article (APA style):

Repiská, R. & Grisáková, N. & Štetka, P. (2022). Hierarchical Clustering of EU Countries Based on HDI and EPI Index. Proceedings from the EDAMBA 2021 conference, 420 – 430. https://doi.org/10.53465/EDAMBA.2021.9788022549301.420-430