

Abstract: Purchasing processes are involved in large scale innovation opportunities. These innovations will determine future of business procurement. We summarized modern and innovative methods of todays procurement and analyzed impact of electronic auctions on cost avoidance and cost savings, during COVID-19 pandemics and pre-pandemic state. According to our findings, there are several innovative methods of modern procurement such as electronic auctions, online contracting, claim managhement e.g. Further more, electronic auctions significantly improves cost avoidance opportunities for businesses. Use of electronic auctions was enhanced during pandemic of COVID-19.

Keywords: e-procurement, purchasing, electronic auctions

JEL classification: M15, M29

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Online publication date: 12 May 2022


To cite this article (APA style):

Ševčík, J. (2022). Impact of Electronic Auctions on Business Procurement in Slovakia During COVID-19. Proceedings from the EDAMBA 2021 conference, 487 – 495. https://doi.org/10.53465/EDAMBA.2021.9788022549301.487-495