The scenario approach of the country investment policy in the conditions of globalization
Lidiia KARPENKO[1]
Abstract: Considering the particularities of economic development, countries should cooperate and participate in joint projects within regional and international groupings. The paper aims to develop a scenario approach to the investment policy of countries in the context of globalization. Defines how important the investment component of a country's economic development is and justifies why countries are heterogeneous regarding investment attractiveness. To fulfil the main goal the author applies the capital asset pricing model, which is a basic concept in the field of finance. In addition to the main goal, the text of the article systematizes the stages of development of the organizational project scenario, justifies the role of foreign investments in economic development, and analyses world trends regarding changes in the attractiveness of investments. The paper estimates how attractive national economies are for foreign investments as well.
Keywords: investment policy, capital asset pricing model, capital market, investment freedom index, scenario approach, territorial development
JEL: M21, M29, O16
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Submitted: 8. 1. 2024 | Accepted: 15. 2. 2024 | Published 15. 3. 2024
To cite this article (APA style):
Karpenko, L. (2024). The scenario approach of the country investment policy in the conditions of globalization. Medzinárodné vzťahy – Slovak Journal of International Relations, 22(1), 54 – 72.
Publisher: University of Economics in Bratislava
ISSN online: 1339-2751
[1] Prof. Lidiia Karpenko. DrSc., Local Self-Government and Territorial Development Department, Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Service and Administration of the Odesa Polytechnic National University, Genueska 22, 65000 Odesa, e-mail:
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