Abstract: The presented paper provides analysis of job security and financial stability of households during COVID-19 in Slovakia and Europe. By analysing more than 135 000 answers from respondents across Europe we compare Slovakian jobs and financial situation with situation in other 26 EU countries during different phases of COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the data from questionnaire e-study named Living, working and COVID-19, we compare changes in EU citizens’ perceptions of job security and financial stability during „first lockdown”, „reopening” and “year after” period of COVID-19’s European outbreak. The results showed that most of citizens in most of EU countries though that it was unlikely or very unlikely that they lose their job in the next three months. These results were consistent during all three examined periods.

Keywords: COVID-19, financial stability, job security, Europe

JEL classification: J81, E24

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Online publication date: 12 May 2022


To cite this article (APA style): 

Kaselyová, P. (2022). Analysis of job security and financial stability of households during COVID-19 in Slovakia and Europe. Proceedings from the EDAMBA 2021 conference, 234 – 245.