Abstract: The main area of research is the dynamically developing capital city Bratislava and traditional supermarkets in its territory. The aim of the article is to examine the changes in the number of supermarkets in Bratislava and its districts between 2016 and 2021. In this publication, we apply analysis and synthesis in all phases of problem solving. We also use induction, deduction and the method of comparison. Finally, we apply the entropy calculation in a figurative sense to retail geography. The result will be the density of coverage of supermarkets in Bratislava and its individual city districts as a prerequisite for future development and in-depth research devoted to this issue.

Keywords: location, geographical concentration, supermarkets, entropy

JEL classification: C23, M31, R12

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Online publication date: 12 May 2022


To cite this article (APA style): 

Korytinová, K. (2022). Changes in the Density and Location of Supermarkets in Bratislava. Proceedings from the EDAMBA 2021 conference, 246 – 254.