Abstract: The labor market situation is complex and influenced by many unwritten and mostly unconscious norms and prejudices that apply to both women and men. However, more women in society pay for this setting. Firstly, by offering them a priori lower wages than equally qualified men (although "only" by women, the second thing is that more women than men work in human resources, so discrimination has a greater real impact) and secondly because men who perceive that they can be socially (less positively) and economically punished (more frequent dismissals) if they are not the best and if they prefer family and / or health if necessary will not be willing to promote a more equal distribution of responsibilities at home and in childcare. This in turn leads to a greater burden on women's unpaid work and slower career growth for women. A vicious circle is forming where the notion that domestic work and caring for children and other members of the household is a "women's" specialization persists, forcing women to combine family life with work and men to work earlier. career (although perhaps both would prefer a family-work balance). Such an approach has far-reaching consequences, not only economic but also psychological.

Keywords: labor market, employment rate of women, working mothers, costs per employee

JEL classification: J24, J11, O15

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Online publication date: 12 May 2022


To cite this article (APA style):

Vančo Véghová, V. (2022). Participation of the Female Workforce and its Impact on the Economic Development of the Country. Proceedings from the EDAMBA 2021 conference, 541 – 548.